LIFE’S A BREEZE is a charming dramedy that follows a family struggling to stay afloat and together through hard times in Ireland. When the family makes a well-intentioned attempt to clean out their mother’s house, and accidentally trashes a mattress she has been stashing her life savings in, Nan (Fionnula Flanagan), her unemployed slacker son Colm (Pat Shortt), and his niece Emma (Kelly Thornton) must overcome their many differences to lead their family in a race against time to find a lost fortune.
Written & Directed by
Lance Daly
Macdara Kelleher
Lance Daly
Martin Persson
Executive Producer
Jessica Ask
Production Designer
Waldemar Kalinowski
Shimmy Marcus
Casting by
Nick McGinley
Hillary McCarthy
Emma- Kelly Thornton
Nan - Fionnula Flanagan
Colm - Pat Shortt
Margaret - Eva Birthistle