"It benefits Al-Jazeera to play to Arab nationalism because that's their audience, just like Fox plays to American patriotism, for the exact same reason... because that's their audience... the big thing for my generation is for these two perspectives - my perspective, the Western perspective, and the Arab perspective - to understand each other better... because, truly, the two worlds are colliding at a rapid rate." - Lt. Josh Rushing, Central Command Press Officer, U.S. Army
CONTROL ROOM, by Jehane Noujaim (Startup.com), an award-winning Arab-American filmmaker who has lived within and embraced both worlds, provides an opportunity to re-examine what is perhaps the most pressing question of international relations today: "is America radicalizing or stabilizing the Arab world?" Without miring itself in shadowy conspiracy theories, CONTROL ROOM provides a balanced view of Al-Jazeera's presentation of the second Iraq war to their worldwide Arab audience, and in so doing calls into question many of the prevailing images and positions offered up by the U.S. news media. CONTROL ROOM's view inside Al-Jazeera-a network branded "Osama Bin-Laden's mouthpiece" and subject of intense criticism from U.S. administration officials for showing images of Iraqi casualties and American POWs that American viewers never saw-suggests that its views on news reportage might actually be more in tune with democratic ideals than those of its Western counterparts.
CONTROL ROOM neatly bridges the gap between timeless and timely; timeless because it locates itself in the midst of the ongoing cultural clash between Western and Arab worlds, timely because it does so through the prism of satellite television's impact on how viewers receive information worldwide - from news providers, driven by the patriotism of their audiences, to Army information officers, driven by military objectives. CONTROL ROOM is a seminal documentary that explores how Truth is gathered, presented, and ultimately created by those who deliver it.
"The most profound work to date on how our government has manipulated news coverage in Iraq." - John Anderson, NEWSDAY
"This absorbing, significant, and shamelessly entertaining movie not only goes through the looking glass but, no less significantly, turns the mirror back on us." - J. Hoberman, VILLAGE VOICE
"The zippily edited doc is relentlessly entertaining, with plenty of drama and even a few moments of dark humor." - Megan Lehmann, NEW YORK POST
"Like the best docmentaries, Control Room spurs questions rather than promoting an agenda." - Lisa Rose, NEWARK STAR-LEDGER
"Noujaim's anxiety-provoking documentary about how the light of truth shifts when filtered through a screen of nationalism, Arab or American." - Lisa Schwarzbaum, ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY
"The mood of Jehane Noujaim's bristling documentary about Al Jazeera, the satellite news network, is both frenetic and grim." - A.O. Scott, NEW YORK TIMES
"Noujaim ably reveals the splits between truth and perception, raw anger and calculated hypocrisy." - Elizabeth Weitzman, NEW YORK DAILY NEWS